MyIQ Intelligence Test

Your Feedback

Raw score on first 30 items

This shows the number of questions you answered correctly in the first section of the test. Your score is out of 30. If this is the only feedback you can see then it means you chose not to answer more questions when prompted.

You have not answered enough questions for this feedback to be calculated

If you chose to answer additional questions, then your subsequent responses were used to calculate your IQ score, and this score was considered against a norm calculated from the responses of previous test-takers. The sample of previous respondents was 4,233 after several quality checks, including the removal of incomplete and repeated responses, sessions that were too short or too long and those exhibiting systematic response patterns.

Your IQ Score is


IQ Chart

How your score compares to the norm group


Your IQ as a Percentile

Average (50%)
  • Low Intelligence
    High Intelligence

What your results mean

Your IQ score is higher than between 40% and 60% of the population, putting you in the average range. By definition, most people fall in this range and your score suggests that you pick up certain new skills easily but for others you may find that you benefit from more support. You are also generally able to spot patterns or relationships that others miss. There is every chance that you will succeed in intellectually demanding endeavours, especially if you capitalise on other strengths that are not measured by this test. Experience and knowledge, creativity, drive, and the ability to take risks are just a few examples of these. Emotional intelligence is another type of intelligence that we do not measure here, which refers to your ability to understand those around you and succeed in the social world. Hard work is also particularly important, as a wide body of research has shown that it is possible to increase your IQ score through education and practice, should you decide to go down this path in future.