All Tests


My Personality 100-item

Measures five fundamental dimensions of personality and gives detailed feedback on BIG5 and Jungian Type


MyIQ Intelligence Test

Intelligence test measuring cognitive skills and logical reasoning. Find out your IQ score!


Leadership Styles

What kind of leader are you? Get feedback on 6 aspects of transformational leadership


Intolerance of Uncertainty

Short academic test providing insight on how you comfortable you are with ambiguity and unpredictability.


General Risk Propensity

The GRiPS is a concise measure used in research to assess general risk taking propensity as a personality disposition.


Schwartz Portrait Values

Measures goals, aspirations and wishes that drive behaviour.

External test

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Quality of Life CAT

Computer-adaptive quality of life assessment based on WHO-QOL items

External test

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Creative Potential

Explore your creative side in this multi-trait measure. Feedback on BIG5 personality is provided.


Volunteer Personality Scale

People vary in their motivation to volunteer and the skills they bring. Which profile describes you best?


Satisfaction with Life

Short measure of general life satisfaction. Feedback provided. Diener, E. et al. (1985).

External test

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Numerical Reasoning CAT

Computer-adaptive test of numerical reasoning to suit every ability!



Do you present a single version of the 'real you' to people around you?


Passion Towards Work

Are you passionate about work? If so, what kind of passion is it? Answer 16 questions to find out.


General Self-Efficacy Scale

Measures how you perceive your ability to perform novel or difficult tasks, and to cope with hardship.

External test

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Numerical Sequences

Test your numerical reasoning ability with this challenging Concerto test. Feedback provided.


Short Personality Test

The Mini-IPIP is a popular 20-item measure of BIG5 personality, used in academic research.


Sensation Seeking

What kind of thrill seeker are you?


Thing-Person Orientation

What do you pay most attention to in your surroundings?


Ambivalent Sexism

22-item questionnaire concerning women, men and their relationships in contemporary society

External test

This test is hosted on another website.

ICAR 16 Cognitive Test

Short intelligence test with mixed item format and detailed feedback. Developed as part of the International Cognitive Ability Resource Grant


Relationship Scales

What kind of a lover or friend are you? Find out with the RSQ.